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Internet Content Rating Association

Keurmerkorganisatie voor nette sites, ter bescherming van onze kinderen

The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent organization that empowers the public, especially parents, to make informed decisions about electronic media by means of the open and objective labelling of content. ICRA's dual aims are to:

protect children from potentially harmful material; and,
to protect free speech on the internet.
There are two elements to the system:

Web authors fill in an online questionnaire describing the content of their site, simply in terms of what is and isn't present. ICRA then generates a Content Label (a short piece of computer code) which the author adds to his/her site.

Users, especially parents of young children, can then set their internet browser to allow or disallow access to web sites based on the objective information declared in the label and the subjective preferences of the user. The ICRA system can be used with Microsoft's Internet Explorer immediately, with wider applications under development. The existing RSACi labels can continue to be used in both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator but will be phased out over time.

A key point is that the Internet Content Rating Association does not rate internet content - the content providers do that, using the ICRA system. ICRA makes no value judgement about sites.

ICRA is a non-profit making organization with offices in both Brighton, UK and Washington DC, USA. Members include many of the internet industry's leading names from around the world.

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Brighton, East Sussex

Keurmerkorganisatie voor nette sites, ter bescherming van onze kinderen

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