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Cimmetry Systems, Inc.

Ontwikkelaars van CAD-viewer genaamd AutoVUE

Cimmetry Systems has been acquired by Agile in 2005, which has been acquired by Oracle in 2007.

Cimmetry Systems, Inc., industry leader in Visual Data Access and Collaboration has developed a family of solutions for your individual, company-wide and B2B viewing and collaboration needs. Our applications support hundreds of formats, providing you with easier and faster access to your data.

Check out the solutions we offer and consider the benefits our products can provide. Read on and discover the combination of products that is right for you and your company: AutoVue, AutoVue Professional, AutoVue SolidModel, AutoVue SolidModel Professional, Panoramic! and VueLink.

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Ontwikkelaars van CAD-viewer genaamd AutoVUE

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ZwCAD kost slechts € 650,-- ex.BTW incl. 1 jaar websupport. Probeer nu!

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