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A world in which people control their water and environmental resources in a sustainable manner

IHE’s vision is a world in which people control their water and environmental resources in a sustainable manner, and in which all sectors of society, particularly the poor, can enjoy the benefits of the basic services. IHE’s mission is to contribute to the education and training of capable professionals and to build the capacity of knowledge centres and other organizations in the fields of water, the environment and infrastructure in developing countries and countries in transition. To achieve its mission, IHE:

• develops and implements demand-responsive and duly accredited education, training and research programmes;
• establishes and fosters partnerships between academic centres and professional organizations that offer education, training and research programmes at the local or regional level;
• maintains and develops a global network of collaborating institutes, all of which are dedicated to capacity building; and
• encourages the active participation in this network of partnerships of all those involved in the water sector, including IHE alumni, scientists and professionals in public, private and civil society organizations.

Young, mid-career and senior professionals, engineers, scientists, consultants and decision-makers working in the water sector in developing countries and countries in transition.

National governments, sectoral ministries, professional associations, municipalities, water utilities, universities, training and research institutes, multilateral and bilateral agencies, industry, non-governmental organizations and the private sector.

Hier uw referentieprojecten? Klik hier voor meer informatie. Het is gratis tot 2010, zonder verplichtingen en er loopt een tijdelijke actie tot 29 februari 2008: geen opstartkosten!

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A world in which people control their water and environmental resources in a sustainable manner

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