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MORSE Information Technology B.V.


MORSE Information Technology is a new IT company which focuses on the exchange, sharing and archiving of computer sensible data. The goal of MORSE is to be the leading company in the Benelux to make the exchange independent of the hard- and software in use. There are of course several levels of independence and several ways of achieving this. MORSE delivers a wide range of products and services to support this, in which the ISO 10303/STEP Standard for Exchange of Product model data plays an important role.

Hier uw referentieprojecten? Klik hier voor meer informatie. Het is gratis tot 2010, zonder verplichtingen en er loopt een tijdelijke actie tot 29 februari 2008: geen opstartkosten!

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Alternatief voor AutoCAD
ZwCAD kost slechts € 650,-- ex.BTW incl. 1 jaar websupport. Probeer nu!

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