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Thales Nederland B.V.

Thales operates on a large variety of markets

Thales Nederland can be found in Hengelo (HQ), Delft, Huizen and Eindhoven. The Thales Nederland organization performs its own industrial and commercial activities here. However, the company also acts as local point of contact for foreign Thales entities dealing with Dutch customers. This is in line with the Thales Multi-Domain, Multi-Domestic philosophy, aimed at optimizing communications with the customer.

Presenting the broadest radar product range world-wide, the Thales naval activities set the standard other companies are challenged to meet.

The most striking new development is the so-called Integrated Mast. This revolutionary system does away with the disadvantages of traditional radar arrangements on board of naval vessels. Using the most advanced technologies, the Integrated Mast offers superior performance and lower operational costs.

Thales Nederland is cooperating with NATO in the development of a naval defence against Tactical Ballistic Missiles. Recent tests have demonstrated that the Thales SMART-L Volume Search Radar can be modfied to detect and track ballistic missiles timely enough to take interception measures.

The Thales TACTICOS naval Combat Management System is the most successful system of its kind, deployed by 29 Navies on 138 ships.

The Thales communication products include the futuristic Digitised Soldier System and the versatile SOTAS M2 vehicle communication system, that is on its way to becoming world-wide market leader.

In electro-optics, Thales Nederland has over 40 years experience. With over 1500 units sold, the LION uncooled handheld thermal imager is the global market leader in its segment. Thales electro-optic sensors are used in naval and ground-based applications, both as ready to use products such as the LION camera, but also as component in a sensor suite, such as the ALBATROSS camera that is a part of the STING EO tracking radar.

In cryogenics Thales has been active for more than 30 years. A world leader in this field, Thales offers a wide range of cryocoolers, from Joule Thomson to Stirling, including rotary, linear and pulse tube coolers for all infrared applications, but also super-conductive technologies, X-ray, telecommunications or laser needs. A contract for cryocoolers for the prestigous F35 jet figher demonstrates Thales' capabilites in this field.

Supporting our customers, Thales Nederland provides comprehensive integrated training and service to customers in more than 40 countries around the globe. Support is becoming more and more a vital aspect in any program and Thales closes customized agreements with each and every customer in this respect.

Thales Nederland is active in projects that are pursued by foreign Thales entities for Dutch customers. In this manner, Thales has supplied KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines) with simulators. Thales is also actively involved in the national introduction of electronic payment systems for public transport. The so-called Smart Card will in time be the sole ticket used in Dutch public transport.

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Thales operates on a large variety of markets

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